Labels:text | screenshot | font | number OCR: Table 1: Logon/logoff detection summary ¿Teclinique «Description Console control Hokta sunice can' de cet losoni's by registering'a stasol, control handler and watching for the CONSOLE LOGOFF-notification; Doesn't directly help deine Logon's and haily que notepod * test. SIEB98 tiloe underific \ inlorca key HKEYS LOCAL: MACHINE; Monitoring the Microsoft, CurrentVersion Your service can thee tetectloscas by registering is be noutied of changes to thai key Ibmitinhos discussed in the column include the problem of friss notifications Monitoring the SEP98 etent. Jpg cant moltiror the event log to catch thest .: Biggest drawback is technique falls it the regusale auditing if not enabled fantich il sus includes wanie bug fixes, Hidden company FEB99 the code to use Set Process shut dont Par angter sc) to reduce (hot pot cimtingte loscisteves "and then polls the ogch input deskop, Whenthe openingatDesktopi i. Polling the muput pereda it's tricky keeping the polling code as the consolo control handler in syrah desktop ahd wpt hund to time the polling doop carefully to mitmimize cheche il, hat no niiss' :MAR99 a logoff , Although workable; isone of the polling techniques are quy personal; combined with the Conmansch ;application techniquet hoyende dores's that !: Your obtain the name of the shell from the registry (in the Shell: Auch St value urkker ly god of mirly thell , but ounodes the work overhead of any other mechod whenoned. MAR99 Clodenisal providers are part of the network provider interact You can write si Custom custom credential provider to conture authentication events and wery rehabis detdet touch cheats: I demonstrated the most trivial credential provider in the mag- azine, but some people may still feel that a iding code'in the habentication pokuty APRO9 provider is mhky. Dnes again, this only ad resses logon detection', This techinque could be Coinbined with the companion application technique to devini losone, as well .. ath'demonstrate the infamous noteball"hekt (which showsskit hay yera NH-ENDSESSION even though die tina did' ii't log off: onen an instance of notepad, exem he's fel characters in the main windowy, and then inicia @ yogoff. Applications start receiving'N'SQUERYENDSESS [ON ]YId IN : ENDSESSION Thestage sa when yourget the dialog ask; Inps whether or not you want tosave the foxthe hotched: select * Carte if The loson proces'topt even though other applications b veralmestre cosived the HH_CHOSESSTON >white ho guaranteesadjusting the shutdown phonety of an app lic tubo can help it geu called much later In the process (hopefully when the logoff is assured !!!